Big Gaming’s mandate is to maximize profits and capture attention - not win our hearts.
There are no bold new ideas, only a steady flow of remakes, sequels, and the same tired mechanics
People can feel it: games lack soul.
Players miss that feeling they used to get gaming in their family’s basement, playing Miniclip in the computer lab, on their gameboy on the way to school.
onchain gaming was meant to fix things – but it never will
unless we learn from our mistakes and build a truly open ecosystem
poor user experience
Gamers want to game. Instead, they face a maze of disconnected chains, wallets, and tokens. Currently there's no easy way to just play.
the future
A Gaming Platform for All
Rally around a hub for onchain games where ALL users can play games on any chain, on any ecosystem, instantly - BSMNT.FUN.
building in Isolation
For game developers, owning a chain offers control but creates fragmentation and cross-chain friction - hurting both player experience and developer growth.
the future
Connected gamechains
Collaboration over competition. The B3 core framework delivers the tools and utilities to unify liquidity, share users, and power a connected ecosystem where games thrive together.
Fragmented Incentives
Economic issues prevail. Gamechains currently have no reason to share users or liquidity
the future
Shared Incentives
Gamechains earn revenue share from users they refer. B3 jumpstarts growth by dedicating a part of its token supply to creators and influencers
vanity metrics first, fun last
Crypto prioritizes vanity metrics, causing devs to create artificial activity in order to stand a chance to survive or succeed.
the future
By gamers, for gamers
B3 Open Gaming has an onchain gamer voting block for real gamers to fund, and support forever games allowing for fun to lead the developer experience.
open gaming
A new experience for gamers that makes them feel again.
A new system that funds and empowers creative game developers
A new emphasis on real gamers and real fun
A new techstack that opens novel doors
A new ecosystem that harnesses the full onchain gaming community instead of dividing it
A new future of gaming decided by you.